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Business Tips

Website Design

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In the last couple years, we have seen more and more “click to tweet” quotes on quite a few different blogs. 

The first time I saw this “click to tweet” link was on a food blogger blog that I’ve found on Pinterest and I thought it was neat that there was a unique way to have your readers share a tweetable to their tweeter followers about your content. 


How to create a ‘Tweet This’ code in 2017

With any online business, it is important to track your website traffic as well as having the ability to analyzing the data so you can grow your business or blog. 

How to Setup Google Analytics on Squarespace


Have you been wondering how to get the read more link to your Squarespace site? In today’s blog post I have linked a youtube video that I have created showing you and explaining to you how I got my read more link for all of my blog posts! 


How to have the “read more” link on your Squarespace

When I decided that I wanted to start freelancing; I knew that I needed to have my own website. 

At first I did not know if I wanted to design my website on Wordpress or Squarespace. Even thought I have worked with Wordpress in the past and even though Wordpress is a really good platform to be on; I knew that I had a limited amount of coding knowledge and even thought It does offer some templates that you can customize to a certain degree without doing a ton of extra coding but you are still be limited to that template style unless you heir a web developer.

Why I choose Squarespace


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