Business Tips
Website Design
Briwse by Category:
In the last couple years, we have seen more and more “click to tweet” quotes on quite a few different blogs.
The first time I saw this “click to tweet” link was on a food blogger blog that I’ve found on Pinterest and I thought it was neat that there was a unique way to have your readers share a tweetable to their tweeter followers about your content.
When I decided that I wanted to start freelancing; I knew that I needed to have my own website.
At first I did not know if I wanted to design my website on Wordpress or Squarespace. Even thought I have worked with Wordpress in the past and even though Wordpress is a really good platform to be on; I knew that I had a limited amount of coding knowledge and even thought It does offer some templates that you can customize to a certain degree without doing a ton of extra coding but you are still be limited to that template style unless you heir a web developer.