When it comes adding the details to your website; there is one thing that everyone always want to have and that is their logo on their website. In this short tutorial, I will show you how to upload your logo to your squarespace site.
First go to Design -> Logos & Titles in the back end of your site in the “menu section:
There you will see a section in the “Logos & Titles” section that says “Logo Image” and that is where you want to upload your logo.
Pro-tip: Alway upload your logo in a PNG with a transparent background and with a “web resolution” of 72dpi.
Then all you have to do is click “save” and your logo will be up on your website.
You see! I told you that it would be a short and easy to get that accomplished! If you are still having problems, please let me know and I will be happy to help you out.
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