When it comes to your Homepage, it is the first thing that visitors see. Just like a home, visitors will make their first impression from the exterior of your home (unless you like in a condo, then it’s the entryway).
Just like any home, a home must have good bones and structure that makes sense. It’s the same for your website and below I have the top points that any website must have on the homepage.
Having user-friendly navigation (where you have the tabs/pages named “Home”, “About”, etc…) is important to have so that your website visitors can find what they are searching for.
Also, it helps visitors stay on your site a bit longer which turns into them becoming a client of yours. Plus, if they like your content, they will not only come back to your website but also tell their friends about it, especially if it helps them in one way or another.
In the last few years, I have noticed that most websites either have no header (hero image) and if they do have one, they are losing out on valuable “real estate” that they can use to get their visitor’s attention in the first 5 seconds of landing on your website.
Having an image of you not only does it establishes who is behind the website but by having also a text stating who you are, what you do and how you can help then with a call to action to either to your services, book a call with you or one of your other pages (blog, portfolio, etc..)
I have seen some websites having this section and some that simply do not. For those who don’t have one, having one can help your visitors know a little bit more about who is behind the website and finally put a name and a face to the person who is running the website that they are visiting.
This section, it’s where you would put a short version of your about page but mainly focuses on their problem and how you can resolve it. If they want to know a bit more by having a link in a button (or just a simple text link) that goes straight to your about page.
It might be obvious but in this section, you need to list your services here, even if you only have one service, you should list them here.
You want to have the package name with a short description of the package its-self. Then you want another “call to action” to go to your services page so they can see the full details of the packages themself.
Just like the services section, a testimonial section is important to have because it’s a social proof that allows a potential client to see how you work and what it’s like to work with you.
If you have not worked with any paid one-on-one clients before but have helped someone with what you are offering (e.g. Photography, Coaching…etc), you can ask them if they would like to write a testimonial on how it’s like to work with you (just like if they were paid, clients).
In this section, you could list the top 3 that have brought a lot of traffic to your website. You could also have a sign-up form to get your freebie and get on your email list. And you could also link with a graphic to your YouTube channel (if you have one).
If you have any questions or you simply are in the market for a designer to build your Showit website, feel free to contact me and I would be happy to help!
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