Are you a service-based business owner or a freelancer? If so than you probably have heard that you have to have a website where potential clients can get a hold of you and also with content that not only helps your ideal client get to know you through blog posts but also throughout your website.
If you are ready to have your website that not only informs your clients but also makes a good lasting impression. Then you are on the right page for that. If you every wonder what pages are important to have on your website; they are the about page, service page, your portfolio/gallery page, blog and last but not least your contact page. Below, I will explain why each page are important as well as what needs to be on them.
All too often, the about page is one of the pages that normally get overlooked or simply not much has been done to them (trust me, I’ve seen a few about pages to mush things that is not relevant to the business or simply has nothing on the, no pictures or text on the page)
However, for a service based business (or freelancer), is the most valuable on the page because this is where you show the brand’s story, expertise and mission. This is especially true for personal brands, photographers, coaches and influencers (content creators).
To have your about page give a lasting impression; it must have:
When it comes to the service page on your website, you can approche it in a number of different ways. Should you list your price? and if so do you have a starting price or go with a package price? Do you package it by services, number of hours? or the number of pages/words/graphics? The truth is that, there is no wrong or right way of going about it.
When it comes to the services page, think about your ideal client, what would your ideal client be more drawn to? If you are still not sure, you can list your services in packages with a starting price tag, this helps you out to weed-out inquiries that would not necessarily have the budget for your service.
As you think of the approach that you want to take the service page, make sure that, when you talk about your services that you talk about the value that your service will bring to their business. More times than not, someone will pay, not because of the cost but the value it will bring to them and to their business.
Just like the service page, this is also important because it shows off your past work. If you are a photographer, you would have a gallery page which is the same as a portfolio page.
This page would not only showcase your unique way of doing what you do but also show off your style of work. For example, if you are a wedding photographer that photographs light and air weddings then on your gallery page you would show-off your “light and airy” photo style, so if a bride-to-be is looking for that style of photos for her wedding then she would know she is in the right place for her wedding photos.
I recommend that you have a blog for your website as a service based business owner. This is a few reason that I recommend it:
The contact page is one page that most website visitors would expect to find and it is also considered to be good practice to have one. You may want to have a contact form in the footer, sidebar, and even its own page.
However, even though you might not necessarily want one on every single page of your website, it is good to have at the minimum its own page. If you go at the minimum route, then you are probably wondering what do I put on the page other than a stander form
Below, I have some ideas that you can put on that form and keep in mind, you dont need to put all of them on this page!
If you are starting out, but want to have a nice and functional contact form. You can just start with a contact form and a “book and call” button on the page. More times than not, the simple route of the contact page is most often best because this way it not only keeps it simple for your visitors but does not overwhelm them when they just want to contact you.
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