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Business Tips

Website Design

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Are you ready to hire a brand and website designer. Many businesses start off going towards the DIY route of their brand and website. Even though that is fine when you just start and that you don’t have the budget at first to hire a designer to do the branding and your website.

Website Design

Are you ready to hire a brand and website designer?

As some of you have been wondering what my process is like at this moment in time when it comes to my branding design process. I thought it would be helpful for you to get a sneak peek of my process when you want to work with me. 

So if you are curious, here is my process! 

My Branding Design Process


I have been asked from time to time what is a brand board and is it the same thing as a brand guideline? My quick answer to that is no.

As a designer, I do see the benefit to having both in your brand but not all brands need both. To determine which one will be better suited for you and your business, you first have to know what they are and what information they can hold.


Brand Board vs Brand Guideline

You probably have heard about brand colours and that it is important to have a specific colour pallet for your brand. Now I know that most business owner that first get started don’t go by brand guidelines or even a brand board, they just go with what their preference is at that specific moment in which that’s normally a big no-no.

How to Choose a Colour Palette for Your Branding


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